
Digital Advice

As an SME owner, you know how important it is to stay competitive in today’s digital world. But with so many new technologies and solutions emerging every day, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start. That’s where I come in. With my Master’s degree in Business Informatics and over five years of experience in IT consulting and business improvement, I can provide tailored advice and solutions that fit your specific business needs. From optimizing your processes with automation tools to creating a digital strategy that aligns with your goals, I’m here to help you stay ahead of the curve and achieve success in the digital age. Let’s work together to unlock the full potential of your business.

In my Digitalization Workshops, I work together with my clients to identify areas where digitalization can benefit their businesses. By combining my expertise in digital technologies with your knowledge of your own business operations, we can explore new ways of working, identify inefficiencies, and develop innovative solutions to increase efficiency and productivity. These workshops are designed to be interactive and engaging, encouraging participation and collaboration from all members of your team. By the end of the workshop, you will have a clear understanding of the opportunities that digitalization can offer your business, as well as a roadmap for how to implement these changes in a way that is tailored to your unique needs and goals.

Measuring the maturity of your digital capabilities is an essential step in developing a successful digital strategy. I offer digital maturity assessments that provide a comprehensive analysis of your current digital capabilities, including infrastructure, applications, skills, and governance. Based on the results of the assessment, I can help you develop a roadmap for improving your digital maturity, which can help you stay competitive in today’s digital business environment.

Managing IT projects can be challenging, especially for SMEs with limited resources. As an experienced IT project manager, I can help you manage your IT projects from start to finish, ensuring that they are completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards. From defining project scope and objectives to managing risks and communication with stakeholders, I can help you deliver successful IT projects that meet your business needs.

Low-Code / No-Code

As an SME owner, you need to be able to respond quickly to changing market demands and customer needs. But with traditional software development processes, this can be a slow and expensive process. That’s where my no-code/low-code services come in. With my extensive knowledge of digital tools and creative problem-solving skills, I can create customized solutions for your business without the need for complex coding. Whether you need a new website, an app, or an automation tool, I can help you bring your ideas to life in a fraction of the time and cost of traditional development. Let’s work together to streamline your operations and unlock the full potential of your business with no-code/low-code solutions.

As a low-code/no-code developer, I offer my clients efficient and customized solutions that do not require extensive programming knowledge. By using platforms like Microsoft Power Apps, Power Automate, and SharePoint, I can create intuitive and user-friendly applications that increase productivity and optimize business processes. My expertise in these tools allows me to tailor solutions that are specific to each client’s unique needs, ultimately driving digital transformation and growth.

Process automation is key to achieving operational excellence and staying ahead of the competition. Using Microsoft Power Automate and SharePoint, I can automate routine tasks, streamline workflows, and integrate data from different sources. My process automation solutions allow businesses to save time and resources, reduce errors, and increase productivity. Whether it’s automating HR processes, document approvals, or inventory management, I can design and implement a solution that meets your organization’s needs.

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is critical for businesses to stay competitive. Whether you’re launching a new website or setting up an ecommerce platform, I can help you build a user-friendly and responsive website that engages visitors and drives conversions. I have experience working with popular platforms like WordPress and Shopify and can create a website that reflects your brand and meets your business goals. With my ecommerce solutions, you can easily manage your products, track inventory, and process payments, all while delivering a seamless customer experience.

Creativity services

Planning to inject some fantasy and creativity into your business? Look no further! With my background as a fantasy storyteller, I offer a unique perspective to help businesses tap into their creative potential. From innovation workshops to storytelling for business, I provide customized services that can help spark new ideas and unlock untapped potential.